Alba has a new vision of Latin American unionCaracas, Apr 20. ABN.- The Bolivarian Alliance for the Peoples of Our America (Alba) is an organization that has a new vision of the Latin American union which is nourished and legitimated by the people, underscored the Venezuelan Deputy to the Andean Parliament Janeth Madriz.
In the occasion of the Ninth Summit of the Alba that took place on Monday in Caracas, the Venezuelan Deputy highlighted that the Alba is an organization that marks a change of era.
“We must be proud because we are part of a different kind of union, a complementary one, in which excluded people are the most important,” Madriz said.
The Venezuelan Deputy stated that it is necessary that all Latin Americans understand that “we are now citizens of the Alba. That is empire's fear.”
Furthermore, she mentioned as the main characteristics of the Alba: a social agenda, which is the priority; countries working to complement each other and not to compete against each other; and the promotion of a democratic process with people's participation.
Dep. Madriz commented that the political union represented by the Alba also includes significant economic aspects, such as the implementation of the Unitary System of Regional Compensatory Payments (Sucre).
Likewise, she made reference to the speech given by the President of Argentina Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner during the solemn session of the National Assembly carried out on Monday to commemorate the beginning of the bicentenary cycle from the independence of Venezuela. Madriz underlined that the entire country felt the strength of the speech of the Argentinean Head of State.
Madriz recalled that Cristina Fernandez highlighted that freedom and equality are the main columns of this new independence; therefore, she underscored that every person has to understand that the fight for such principles is a responsibility of each citizen and must be permanent.
Moreover, the Dep. considered a gift for Venezuelans the civil-military parade carried out in Caracas and rejected critics from the opposition, “who do not understand the union between the Bolivarian National Armed Forces and the people.”
Madriz expressed her confidence on the benefits that will bring for Argentina and Venezuela the agreements that will be endorsed between the presidents Cristina Fernandez and Hugo Chavez this Tuesday, above all, because they include technology transfer.